SHONE - The Business of Conferences

The Business of Conferences


ISBN: 9781138144446
Vydavatelství: Taylor & Francis
Rok vydání: 2016
Vydání: 1
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 196
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 3 571 Kč
Výstavní cena: 3 214 Kč(t.j. po slevě 10%)
(Cena je uvedena včetně 10% DPH)
Katalogová cena: 105 GBP

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For managers, students and conference professionals this timely new book will provide a firm foundation for understanding and operating in one of the UK's fastest growing business areas. Conferencing forms a large and expanding part of the UK economy and is now attracting serious analysis as the key techniques and principles of good practice become established. This unique book, one of the first written by an expert educator and consultant in the field, considers the background and nature of the UK conference industry and looks at the management issues involved in professional and competitive conferencing.Providing clear, up to date and detailed information on every aspect of the management and organization of conferences and conference centres it will be an essential text for students on hospitality and tourism courses- from GNVQ to undergraduate level. It will also be a vital reference for practitioners in any part of the conference business who want to grasp the key elements for success in the future.

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