Deborah Lupton - The Quantified Self

The Quantified Self

Deborah Lupton

ISBN: 9781509500604
Vydavatelství: Wiley
Rok vydání: 2016
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 240
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 586 Kč
Výstavní cena: 498 Kč(t.j. po slevě 15%)
(Cena je uvedena včetně 10% DPH)
Katalogová cena: 15.99 GBP

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With the advent of digital devices and software, self-tracking practices have gained new adherents and have spread into a wide array of social domains. The Quantified Self movement has emerged to promote 'self-knowledge through numbers'. In this groundbreaking book Deborah Lupton critically analyses the social, cultural and political dimensions of contemporary self-tracking and identifies the concepts of selfhood and human embodiment and the value of the data that underpin them. The book incorporates discussion of the consolations and frustrations of self-tracking, as well as about the proliferating ways in which people's personal data are now used beyond their private rationales. Lupton outlines how the information that is generated through self-tracking is taken up and repurposed for commercial, governmental, managerial and research purposes. In the relationship between personal data practices and big data politics, the implications of self-tracking are becoming ever more crucial.

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