Roger Mac Ginty - Peacebuilding, 4 Volume Set

Peacebuilding, 4 Volume Set

Roger Mac Ginty

ISBN: 9781446272220
Vydavatelství: SAGE Publications
Rok vydání: 2014
Vazba: Hardback
Kategorie: MRW
Počet stran: 1548
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 31 312 Kč
Výstavní cena: 25 050 Kč(t.j. po slevě 20%)
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Katalogová cena: 695 GBP

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This new 4-volume Major Work showcases the main debates and controversies associated with peacebuilding. In particular, this collection seeks to go beyond a simple explanation of peacebuilding institutions and projects to unpack the ideas and ideologies that underpin the subject. Recent years have seen a large increase in the academic and policy literature on peacebuilding. They have also seen significant successes and failures in peacebuilding, reforms among international organisations (such as the United Nations and World Bank), and increased prominence awarded to local peacebuilding actors. The articles in this major work capture these changes and collectively present a state-of-the-art account of contemporary peacebuilding.nnContaining diverse perspectives, including from scholars from the global south and global north, and from scholars with different methodological standpoints, this collection is designed with academics as well as practitioners in mind.nnVolume 1: Ideas and FoundationsnVolume 2: ActorsnVolume 3: IssuesnVolume 4: Contexts