
Zobrazit: 10 | 15 | 25 | 50 | 100 výsledků
  1. Autor Název titulu Vydavatelství Rok Cena
Linz J. J. Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes Lynne Rienner 2000 Na vyžádání
David Roberts The Totalitarian Experiment in Twentieth Century Europe: Understanding the Poverty of Great Politics Taylor & Francis 2005 800 Kč
Carol Ann Drogus,Stephen Orvis Introducing Comparative Politics: Concepts and Cases in Context Sage Publications 2011 2 294 Kč
Tzvetan Todorov The Inner Enemies of Democracy Polity Press 2014 701 Kč
Jaroslav Spirk Censorship, Indirect Translations and Non-translation: The (Fateful) Adventures of Czech Literature in 20th-century Portugal Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014 1 Kč