Evans P.M. - Principles and Practice of Head and Neck Oncology

Principles and Practice of Head and Neck Oncology

Evans P.M.

ISBN: 1899066063
Vydavatelství: Martin Dunitz
Rok vydání: 2003
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 0 Kč
Cena: Na vyžádání

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'... a truly superb, high quality textbook... Here is a book that could be read by a medical student or a consultant otolaryngologist and both would be enlightened in doing so. It is indeed very difficult to find fault with this text and I've tried, but failed to do so. A concise, truly collaborative effort of high quality and excellent content.'
- Journal of Laryngology and Otology

'The books is comprehensive, dealing with all modalities of tumor therapy. ... the clarity and exposition: with its vivid coloured diagrams and its comprehensive glossary of terms it makes the subject understandable even to a surgeon, and will certainly be of interest to the general medical reader. ... a superb reference work.' - Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine

'Several excellent chapters are worth special mention; principles of Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Dental rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Surgical Voice Restoration were particularly good. ... this is an outstanding contributions to the knowledge of head and neck cancer and I would highly recommend it, and it should be a standard text to any library.' - ENT News

'Overall, the surgical aspects of the management of head and neck cancer are particularly well represented. This is a good reference tool.' -

'... the contents is of high quality and represents the latest thinking in this complex clinical field including numerous recent references cited in the text.' - Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England

'... beautifully produced, highly illustrated and informative text, that should be on the shelves of every clinical unit that is involved in the management of patients with head and neck malignancy.' - The British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

'An outstanding book, one of the best in this complicated field, should be an addition to every budding head and neck surgeon's collection. A must have!' - The Internet Journal of Ortorhinolaryngology

Principles and Practice of Head and Neck Oncology takes a multidisciplinary approach which reviews all aspects of the management of head and neck cancer from initial diagnostic procedures, through staging, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy to aftercare and rehabilitation. It includes conditions affecting both adults and children, and is one that affects a variety of organs and structures. The first section introduces the reader to the multidisciplinary nature of managing this very diverse group of diseases, and the means by which they are treated. Topics covered include the molecular biology of these tumours, applications of chemotherapy and broader issues of nursing care such as nutrition and dental hygiene. Sections 2 and 3 review each of the major types of cancer: Section 2 is dedicated to tumours of the upper airways and digestive tract, including the mouth, nasopharynx and larynx, while Section 3 covers the rest of the head and neck and organs therein, including the skull base tumours, thyroid and salivary glands. There has been a change in approach and a move towards a more holistic approach taking greater acount of quality-of-life issues. There is increased use of conservation laser and other surgical techniques as well as chemo-radiotherapeutic regimes. The combined experience of the editors and contributors gives a broad and balanced view of current approaches.

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