Billson A. - Key Topics in Paediatrics 2 edition

Key Topics in Paediatrics 2 edition

Billson A.

ISBN: 1859960324
Vydavatelství: Bios
Rok vydání: 1998
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 0 Kč
Cena: Na vyžádání

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Candidates studying for a postgraduate examination in paediatrics, such as the MRCP (Paed) Parts I and II or the Diploma of Child Health. Also useful as a reference source for all general practitioners, paediatricians, medical students and nurses.
Key Topics in Paediatrics Second Edition describes important issues in child health, including the identification and management of problems. Information is presented in a systematic format making the book ideal for candidates taking postgraduate examinations in paediatrics, as well as for those who require a concise paediatric revision aid for more general medical examinations. The topics-orientated approach also makes this book a valuable reference source for all paediatricians, medical students and nursing staff.