Kufe - Cancer Medicine 7th ed.   Holand - Frei

Cancer Medicine 7th ed. Holand - Frei


ISBN: 155009307X
Vydavatelství: Decker/Elsevier
Rok vydání: 2006
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 0 Kč
Cena: Na vyžádání

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The consummate reference source for medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, internists, surgical oncologists, and others who treat cancer patients, "Cancer Medicine 7" covers the ever-widening sphere of current cancer knowledge and clinical practice. In this new seventh edition, an outstanding editorial team from world-renowned medical centers continues to hone the leading edge forged in previous editions with timely information on biology, immunology, etiology, epidemiology, prevention, screening, pathology, imaging, and therapy. The book is a testament to the editorial panels creed - that innovative, comprehensive, multidisciplinary treatment of cancer patients must be grounded in a fundamental understanding of cancer biology. "Cancer Medicine 7" does a superb job of bringing scientific principles into clinical practice. "Cancer Medicine 7" features hundreds of 4-colour illustrations, photographs, tables, graphs and algorithms that make this text an invaluable clinical tool in recognizing characteristic appearances of both patient and tissue. The 143 tightly focused chapters are organized into six parts: Cardinal Manifestations of Cancer, Scientific Foundations Of Cancer, Principles Of Cancer Diagnosis, Principles Of Therapeutic Modalities, Principles Of Multidisciplinary Management, and Cancer Management.