Yuehuei H. An - Orthopaedic Issues in Osteoporosis

Orthopaedic Issues in Osteoporosis

Yuehuei H. An

ISBN: 0849310334
Vydavatelství: CRC Press
Rok vydání: 2003
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 0 Kč
Cena: Na vyžádání

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*Blends theory and application to provide integrated coverage of the orthopaedic aspects of osteoporosis
*Combines clinical essentials with applied research and surgical treatment
*Contains contributions from distinguished international experts
*Provides the latest orthopedic findings in applied research and surgical treatment
*Includes more than 300 tables, line drawings, and macro or X-ray photographs that allow easy access and quick interpretation of the data
*Highlights the challenges of internal fracture repair in osteoporotic bone

Orthopaedic procedures in elderly patients are challenging and costly. As the population ages these costs will continue to escalate. ORTHOPAEDIC ISSUES IN OSTEOPOROSIS weaves together theory and applications to provide the first reference available on the orthopaedic aspects of osteoporosis.

The focus on the management of patients who have had a fracture sets this book apart. Featuring extensive coverage of surgical management of osteoporotic fractures, it highlights the challenges of internal repair in osteoporotic bone. The chapters combine the basic and clinical essentials of osteoporosis with the latest orthopaedic findings in applied research and surgical treatment.

Fractures associated with osteoporosis account for the majority of the money spent on this condition. However, the orthpaedic treatment of osteoporotic bone is a formidable surgical problem, and one not covered explicitly in any book - until now. With over 300 tables, line drawings, equations, and macro or X-ray photographs, ORTHOPAEDIC ISSUES IN OSTEOPOROSIS is a long overdue resource.

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