Bountra Ch. - Pain Current Understanding, Emerging, Therapies and Novel Approaches to Drug Discovery

Pain Current Understanding, Emerging, Therapies and Novel Approaches to Drug Discovery

Bountra Ch.

ISBN: 0824788656
Vydavatelství: Marcel Dekker
Rok vydání: 2003
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 0 Kč
Cena: Na vyžádání

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About the book:

This innovative reference presents a detailed overview of the current approaches and techniques in the management of pain caused by tissue, nerve, and central nervous system injuries-categorizing pain into a variety of syndromes and underlying mechanisms to aid in the development of interventional pharmacological measures.

Featuring the latest advances in pulsed radiofrequency treatment of chronic neck, back, " sympathetic,7and peripheral neuroma-derived pain.

Pain: Current Understanding, Emerging Therapies, and Novel Approaches to Drog Discovery considers new molecular approaches for studying of clinical trials for the evaluation of contemporary therapeutics...novel mu, delta, and kappa agonists...enhancement of analgesic activity with N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists...interventions to control neuroimmune responses...stimulating the spinal cord and decreasing inhibition to relieve pain...cellular implantation...pain imaging...and roles of peripheral and central mechanisms...and discusses the therapy for cancer and rheumatoid  arthritis pain...nonmalignant visceral pain...acute trauma and postoperative pain...myofascial pain syndromes...headache pain...and acute nociceptive, inflammatory, and neuropathic pain.

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