Snell - Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students

Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students


ISBN: 0781715741
Vydavatelství: Lippincott W & W
Rok vydání: 2000
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 0 Kč
Cena: Na vyžádání

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The newedition of ClinicalAnatomy for Medical Students is cteated with today's curriculum and medical practice in mind.Taking into account the vast expansion of technology in recent years, the new Sixth Edition delivers high-yield content in a concise format with everything you need for your future in practice-without extraneous detail.Like its predecessors, the Sixth Edition features a user-friendly organization by body region, from surface to deep structure. That way, the presentation is in sync with your curriculum, and also makes it easier to find material on specific structures.Plus, the book is generously illustrated, with clear depictions augmented with extensive use of color. You'll find artwork summarizing the nerve and blood supplies of regions, as well as overviews of the distribution of cranial nerves-an advantage for study and review.NEW to the Sixth Edition:

·         More tables within the chapters and in the appendix to srreamline the text and make it easier to learn and

  remember more material, including important dimensions and capacities of various structures.

·         Expanded coverage of the anatomy of common medical procedures, with new sections on complications caused

  by an ignorance of normal anatomy.

·         More illustrations of CT scans, MRIs, and sonograms to increase your understanding of cross-sectional

anatomy, and to ref1ect the increased use of these modalities in the clinical setting.

·         Clinical problem solving questions at the end of each chapter, revised to follow National Board format.

·         More clinically relevant focus on the anatomy of areas commonly involved in trauma such as auto accidents

  and gunshot and knife wounds.

·         More emphasis on pediatric anatomy, including embryological dynamics that are clinically significant in

congenital defects.

Make this text part of your library. You'll see why the Sixth Edition of Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students is your best choice-for class now, and for practice in the future.


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