Hardy M. - Paediatric Radiography

Paediatric Radiography

Hardy M.

ISBN: 0632056312
Vydavatelství: Blackwell
Rok vydání: 2003
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 0 Kč
Cena: Na vyžádání

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Radiography is an integral part of paediatric health care. It is frequently requested to assist in the diagnosis, management and treatment of childhood disease and illness. Accurate interpretation of paediatric radiographs can depend entirely on the quality of images produced by the radiographer, yet there are few books available on this crucial aspect of radiographic practice. Paediatric Radiography fills a gap. It explores radiographic practice within the context of the modern health service and focuses on how our knowledge and understanding of paediatric growth, development and illness can inform and influence radiographic procedures. It includes detailed coverage of specific paediatric techniques and good practice models, including the role of multi-modality imaging, and looks specifically at radiation protection, the chest and upper airways, the abdomen, neonatal radiography, trauma, orthopaedics, and non-accidental injury.

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