Kaplan J. A. - Vascular Anesthesia 2nd ed.

Vascular Anesthesia 2nd ed.

Kaplan J. A.

ISBN: 0443066205
Vydavatelství: Churchill Livingstone
Rok vydání: 2004
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 0 Kč
Cena: Na vyžádání

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Vascular Anesthesia, Second Edition Editor:Achieve the best results with the most advaneed techniques! Here is the resource you need to master all of today's most effective anesthetic approaches-whether for vascular surgical patients, or for patients with cardiac disease who are undergoing major non-cardiac surgery. Inside, you'll find essential knowledge on everything from cardiovascular anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology. . . through preoperative assessment and management, specific perioperative considerations, and techniques for intraoperative monitoring, anesthesia, and therapeutic interventions. . . to postoperative care.

In this 2nd Edition, a team of distinguished contributors deliver a weaIth of cuttingedge scientific knowledge, fresh perspectives, and state-of-the-art clinical procedures. "Must-have" updates include... 
*Six entirely new chapters: The Peripheral Circulation in Patients with Vascular Disease - Imaging of the Vasculature - Interventional Vascular Radiologic Procedures - Choice of Invasive vs. Noninvasive Surgery - Respiratory Complications and Management - and Ethical Decisions/End of Life Care in Patients with Vascular Disease.
*A completely new section on preoperative assessment and management, including cardiac risk assessment and the latest data on patient optimization.
  *New, in-depth discussions of venous diseases and surgery.
  *The latest invasive and minimally invasive anesthesia procedures for carotid artery surgery, peripheral vascular surgery, aortic aneurysms, renal trans plantation, and much more.
*Increased coverage of regional anesthesia as well as combined regional and general anesthesia for reducing stress, improving pain control, and facilitating wound healing.
*Expanded material on postoperative care, with new information on low output syndrome, sepsis, and more.
*Integration of recent developments from the fields of anesthesiology, cardiology, cardiovascular pharmacology, vascular surgery, and critical care medicine-to present a complete clinical picture: The result is an ideal source of definitive, current information and guidance on every clinical aspect of vascular anesthesia.

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