Guillebaud J. - Contraception your Questions Answered

Contraception your Questions Answered

Guillebaud J.

ISBN: 044306153X
Vydavatelství: Churchill Livingstone
Rok vydání: 1999
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 0 Kč
Cena: Na vyžádání

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About this book:


This book is a ready source of answers to the many questions asked about reversible methods of contraception. Each chapter discusses a diferent type of birth control with the questions arranged in a logical order.

The third edition has been updated to include numerous developments in the field of contraception. The chapter on the combined pill has been rewritten to include new information on circulatory diseases and data on breast cancer and the pill. Each chapter has been rewritten to accommodate the new WHO scheme for contraindications.