Wright Ch. C. - Quality Assurance, An Introduction for Health Care Professionals

Quality Assurance, An Introduction for Health Care Professionals

Wright Ch. C.

ISBN: 0443046816
Vydavatelství: Churchill Liwingstone
Rok vydání: 1992
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 0 Kč
Cena: Na vyžádání

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The assurance of quality is fundamental to the delivery of health care. Whilst health professionals, have always placed great importance on the provision of high quality care, it is now recognized that the assurance of quality requires a systematized explicit management strategy which is constantly evaluated and refined. Quality assurance has a contribution to make to every facet of health care organization, planning and delivery. Its role has become central in the evaluation of treatment, the facilitation of purchaser and provider relationships and in establishing that value for money is being sought and obtained. Its role in the organization and management of health care services is self-evident. But quality assurance is not just a valuable tool for those who manage or plan; it is an essential part of the day-to-day skills of every health care practitioner who directly cares for a patient or client. It follows that the skills of quality assurance should be taught within the initial educational courses for the health care professions and, indeed, many educational institutions now include quality assurance within their curriculum. This self-instructional text, designed for students of the health care professions aims to enable widespread adoption of the principles of quality assurance withing courses, and should be invaluable to individual users new to this subject area. The book provides practical strategies for the health care practitioner to apply in everyday working conditions. It enables the reader to work at his or her own pace and to adapt the material to his or her own health care practice.