Bradley - American Music Librarianship  

American Music Librarianship  


ISBN: 0415972914
Vydavatelství: Taylor & Francis
Rok vydání: 2005
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 0 Kč
Cena: Na vyžádání

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Written by one of the foremost historians of music librarianship in the US, this authoritative bibliography of music librarianship reflects the great diversity of the literature of music librarianship in America. The literature of American music librarianship has been around since the nineteenth century when public libraries began to keep records of player-piano concerts, significant donations of books and music, and suggestions for housing music. Throughout the twentieth century American periodicals printed more and more articles on topics within music studies and eventually specialized books designed to aid the music librarian began to be published. This comprehensive, annotated bibliography includes: items of historical interest; descriptions of individual collections; catalogues of collections; descriptions of specific library functions; record-related subjects; bibliographies designed for music library use; literature from Canada and Britain relevant to US library practices; key discographies; information on specialized music research. This fully indexed reference will be invaluable to researchers, students and scholars in music library sciences as well as those interested in specific collections.

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