Davies I. J. T. - Postgraduate Medicine

Postgraduate Medicine

Davies I. J. T.

ISBN: 0412365308
Vydavatelství: Chapman & Hall
Rok vydání: 1991
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 0 Kč
Cena: Na vyžádání

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The new fif th edition of this popuiar book has been completely revised and it continues to be a concise overview of general medicine written by a general physician. It was originally aimed at guiding candidates for the MRCP through the important con­cepts of internal medicine, explaining topics which are usually misunderstood and presenting the current orthodox views on the management of dinical problems. The success of previous edi­tio ns both in the United Kingdom and abroad testifies that the book fulfils a need - not only of candidates for the MRCP but also of other practising doctors, final year studentsand doctors taking other postgraduate diplomas induding the MRCGP, FRCS, MRCOG and MRCPath.
Doctors sitting the Professional Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) examination have found the book particularly helpful in acquainting them with current medical phraseology and British postgraduate medicine.