Cassidy J. - Oxford Handbook of Oncology

Oxford Handbook of Oncology

Cassidy J.

ISBN: 0192630350
Vydavatelství: Oxford UP
Rok vydání: 2002
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 0 Kč
Cena: Na vyžádání

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The Oxford Handbook of Oncology is a practical guide to clinical consultation in oncology, covering the scientific basis as well as diagnosis, investigation, management and palliative care issues in cancer. Key information is provided in an easy-to-use format and each section is designed to give the reader sufficient background, understanding and vocabulary in the topic to allow further in-depth study. Diseases are dealt with systematically and the bulk of the text is dedicated to specific malignancies emphasising the more common malignancies.

This pocket handbook will appeal to medical staff (both junior and senior) in oncology/palliative care and related disciplines which have a significant amount of malignant disease.

Readership: This pocket handbook will appeal to medical staff (both junior and senior) in oncology/palliative care and related disciplines which have a significant amount of malignant disease.


·        Part 1: Background

·        Multidisciplinary approach to cancer

·        Epidemiology of cancer

·        Biology of cancer

·        Pathology of cancer

·        Aetiology of cancer

·        Staging of cancer

·        Part 2: Principles of treatment

·        Surgical oncology

·        Principles of radiation oncology

·        Principles of chemotherapy

·        Hormone therapy

·        Immunotherapy of cancer

·        Part 3: Principles of prevention and care

·        Cancer prevention and screening

·        Clinical trials

·        Principles of palliative care

·        Psychosocial aspects of cancer

·        Part 4: Specific types of cancer

·        Thoracic cancer

·        Breast cancer

·        Colorectal cancer

·        Anal cancer

·        Upper gastrointestinal cancer

·        Endocrine cancers

·        Genitourinary cancers

·        Gynaecological cancer

·        Head and neck cancer

·        Tumours of the central nervous system

·        Skin cancer

·        Haematological malignancies

·        Bone and soft tissue malignancies

·        Cancer of unknown primary site

·        Paraneoplastic syndromes

·        AIDS-related malignancies

·        Part 5: Emergencies in oncology

·        Spinal cord compression

·        Bone marrow suppression

·        Superior vena cava obstruction

·        Raised intracranial pressure

·        Stridor

·        Acute blood loss

·        Obstruction

·        Biochemical crises

·        Part 6: The way forward

·        Novel therapeutic strategies

·        Gene therapy for cancer

·        Part 7: Appendices

·        1 NCIC common toxicity criteria (CTC) grading system

·        2 Nomogram for determination of body surface area

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