Kasper - Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Single Vol.

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Single Vol.


ISBN: 0071402357
Vydavatelství: McGraw-Hill
Rok vydání: 2004
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 0 Kč
Cena: Na vyžádání

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When the first edition of HARRISON'S published in 1950, it forever changed the manner in which medicine was taught and practiced.

HARRISON'S reflects the clinical method that is most useful for students and clinicians. It summarizes the steps in the process of thinking by which a clinician reaches a diagnosis -- these being the recording of the patient's symptoms and signs, the consideration of the various disorders that can give rise to them, and the effective utilization of measures which will support and confirm or alter the first impressions and lead ultimately to a firm diagnosis.

And while much of this edition is new, HARRISON'S 16/E will continue to feature the legendary characteristics that make it the best-selling medical textbook in the world, including:

- Insight from an outstanding group of world-class clinicians and researchers - all recognized authorities in their specialties.
- Cardinal Manifestations of Disease section at the beginning of the book - a HARRISON'S tradition - reviews primary symptoms and correlates them to pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of disease.
- Approach to the Patient feature -- provides practical advice for patient management.
- Graphically highlighted, state-of-the-art Treatment Sections with unparalleled information on indications, contraindications, interactions, specific drugs and dosages.
- Useful, quick-reference algorithms, tables, and figures that assist diagnosis and treatment.
- The latest Clinical Guidelines to help battle disease effectively.
- Genetic Considerations indicated by icons -- so pertinent in today's medical landscape.

HARRISON'S continues to define the practice of medicine - encompassing all the essential aspects -- basic science, pathophysiology, clinical signs/symptoms, diagnosis, and up-to-date treatment.

Students will find it to be the cornerstone of their medical education, and an investment that they will rely on again and again throughout their career - few other resources enjoy such a long shelf life.

Clinicians will find it to be an authoritative reflection of internal medicine as practiced today, from the world authorities in the international medical community -- and an indispensable reference for daily practice.

Please take a minute to review this pre-publication prospectus [prospectus pdf link] and you'll see just some of the important features that highlight the new edition.

Sample Chapters COMING SOON!
August 2004 / 2,880 pages / 1,148 illustrations