SPELLMAN - The Science of Air

The Science of Air

Concepts and Applications, Second Edition

ISBN: 9781420075328
Vydavatelství: CRC Press
Rok vydání: 2008
Vydání: 2nd Edition
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 312
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 3 506 Kč
Výstavní cena: 2 980 Kč(t.j. po slevě 15%)
(Cena je uvedena včetně 10% DPH)
Katalogová cena: 97 GBP

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This completely revised volume presents the latest research on global climate change, air pollution, radon, indoor air quality, acid rain, and more. The second edition of a bestseller, this work explores common themes of air resource utilization and air protection with a section on air pollution and remediation. It contains regulatory updates related to air quality and an update on pollution control technologies. In addition to the discussion of numerous mitigation and remediation procedures, this authoritative resource includes an expanded section on the fundamentals of air chemistry and physics making it an indispensable text for those tasked with compliance to air pollution laws.

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