Marcy Burstiner - Investigative Reporting from Premise to Publication

Investigative Reporting from Premise to Publication

Marcy Burstiner

ISBN: 9781138078123
Vydavatelství: Taylor & Francis
Rok vydání: 2017
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 400
Dostupnost: Na objednávku

Původní cena: 3 325 Kč
Výstavní cena: 2 826 Kč(t.j. po slevě 15%)
(Cena je uvedena včetně 10% DPH)
Katalogová cena: 95 GBP

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This book gives readers the confidence they need to handle any investigative reporting assignment and to produce demonstrated results. Its step-by-step progression covering the entire investigative process will help them stay on track to complete stories of any size. The book answers relevant questions such as "Where can I find a story?" "What do I do when a source won't talk?" "How can I find the right documents to support my story?" "How can I present this story online?" and "How can a spreadsheet keep it all from falling apart?" Investigative Reporting contains full stories and timely examples from both professional and student reporters. Each chapter concludes with sequential "Big Story" assignments to help readers research, write and publish their own investigative stories. Web links to online resources (including public records information, computer-assisted reporting techniques and interactive investigative story examples) will help readers move smoothly and successfully through an investigative story or team reporting project, whether for print, broadcast or the Web.

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