
Zobrazit: 10 | 15 | 25 | 50 | 100 výsledků
  1. Autor Název titulu Vydavatelství Rok Cena
Atul Tiwari,Baldev Raj Reactions and Mechanisms in Thermal Analysis of Advanced Materials Wiley 2015 5 149 Kč
Robert C Murphy Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Lipids: Molecular Analysis of Complex Lipids Royal Society for Chemistry 2014 4 823 Kč
John W.S. Bradshaw, Rachel Casey, Sarah Brown Behaviour of the Domestic Cat CABI International 2012 1 192 Kč
John H M Thornley Grassland Dynamics: An Ecosystem Simulation Model CABI International 1998 3 325 Kč
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