
Zobrazit: 10 | 15 | 25 | 50 | 100 výsledků
  1. Autor Název titulu Vydavatelství Rok Cena
Paula Brown The Chimbu: A Study of Change in the New Guinea Highlands Taylor & Francis 2004 5 443 Kč
Velma I. Grover,Axel Borsdorf,Jürgen Breuste,Prakash Chandra Tiwari,Flavia Witkowski Frangetto Impact of Global Changes on Mountains: Responses and Adaptation Taylor & Francis 2014 3 613 Kč
Guy Blomme, Bernard Vanlauwe, Piet van Asten Banana Systems in the Humid Highlands of Sub-Saharan Africa: Enhancing Resilience and Productivity CABI International 2013 2 993 Kč