
Zobrazit: 10 | 15 | 25 | 50 | 100 výsledků
  1. Autor Název titulu Vydavatelství Rok Cena
Rhoades E. R. Development with Identity: Community, Culture and Sustainability in the Andes CABI International 2006 2 993 Kč
Snyder A. Critical Aspects of Gender in Conflict Resolution, Peacebuilding, and Social Movements Emerald Group Publishing 2011 2 360 Kč
Holzer J., Mares M. Challenges to Democracies in East Central Europe Taylor & Francis 2016 3 520 Kč
Nicholas Blurton Jones Demography and Evolutionary Ecology of Hadza Hunter-Gatherers Cambridge University Press 2016 2 428 Kč
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