
Zobrazit: 10 | 15 | 25 | 50 | 100 výsledků
  1. Autor Název titulu Vydavatelství Rok Cena
Baierlien R. Newton to Einstein: The Trail of Light: An Excursion to the Wave-Particle Duality and the Special Theory of Relativity Cambridge UP 2001 Na vyžádání
Baierlein R. Newton to Einstein - The Trail of Light: An Excursion to the Wave-particle Duality and the Special Theory of Relativity Cambridge University Press 2001 1 521 Kč
Woolfson Michael Mark Materials, Matter And Particles: A Brief History World Scientific 2009 2 316 Kč
Paul Sanghera Quantum Physics for Scientists and Technologists: Fundamental Principles and Applications for Biologists, Chemists, Computer Scientists, and Nanotechnologists Wiley 2011 3 139 Kč
Herbut I. A Modern Approach to Critical Phenomena Cambridge UP 2010 Na vyžádání
Fu Lei Etale Cohomology Theory World Scientific 2011 4 458 Kč