Westview Press

Frederick A. Praeger and Maurice B. Mitchell founded Westview Press in 1975 in Boulder, Colorado. From its modest beginnings in the basement of Fred Praeger’s house on Westview Drive, Westview Press quickly became a leading academic publishing house. In 1975, Westview published nine books; by 1979, the number of new books published had grown to 169.

Westview Press flourished under the editorial direction and entrepreneurial leadership of Fred Praeger. He established Westview as a publishing house committed to the circulation and distillation of ideas among the academic community and the transfer of those arguments beyond academia to the wider community of thoughtful readers. The motto “Books that Matter” exemplified the Westview spirit of those early years and continues to inspire our publishing program 40 years later.

Today Westview Press publishes high-quality undergraduate- and graduate-level textbooks in core social science disciplines, building upon our existing strengths in political science, area studies, international relations, and sociology. With books developed, written, and edited with the needs of serious nonfiction readers, professors, and students in mind, Westview Press honors Fred Praeger’s legacy.
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